With the days of “bigger is better” over, people are looking for homes with smaller footprints. And fear not… there’s nothing shabby about affordable house designs, ranging from a one-story ranch to a two-story country home. These house plans can be just as stylish, appealing and luxurious as those in a posh neighborhood.
Have you fallen in love with a coastal estate like Copper Beech Farm, a penthouse at New York’s Pierre Hotel, a compound in Beverly Hills, or even a sprawling mega ranch in Wyoming – but doesn’t quite fit in your budget? With a little imagination and creativity, you can work with these house plans to get your dream home started – just in time for Christmas!
In 2014, home designs will reflect changing American lifestyles. The Plan Collection highlights what its surveys suggest will be the hot trends in house plans and home remodeling for 2014.
Big and extravagant homes might be beautiful to admire from afar, but how many homeowners really want the mortgage payment that comes with it plus spend their nights and weekends maintaining them – or incur huge expenses to have others do so for them? Below I explore some of the advantages and comforts offered by a smaller home floor plan as well as my “Top 5 Tips” to enhance your smaller space design.
New house plans with great looking photos are added to our site almost every day.
So you’ve found your perfect house plan – or about to start building your home? Today’s approach to whole house design also includes thinking about how to landscape your home. We’ve identified some trends and offer tips and advice about landscape architecture and gardening. From the English landscape garden to the Public Park Movement and now modern gardens, these pioneers of sorts can offer great and often affordable ideas for your own home.
When looking for experts to discuss the growing popularity of luxury home plans online and the latest trends in residential architecture and house design, The Wall Street Journal talked in-depth with The Plan Collection.
This house design is a spacious craftsman lodge home with its style rooted in the past.
Who doesn't love natural lighting and the way it can brighten up an entire home? Natural light is not just visually pleasing. When it comes to house design, it also saves on electricity bills. And if done right, saves on heating and cooling bills. Also known as passive solar design, harnessing natural light is by far the most effective and efficient way to use the sun's energy.
Our editor goes through the pros and cons of this contemporary take on the country house plan.
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